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Monday, February 24, 2014

Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies

     For our third lab we decided to make a dessert.  After lots of online research we wanted to make some red velvet cookies.

The first step we just mixed the dry ingredients.  Then we mixed the butter in the mixer for one minute. We found out this step is very important. To the butter we added the rest of the ingredients. Lastly we mixed the dry stuff with everything else. We had to do this in two days because we have to chill in in cerain wrap. You only have to chill it for an hour but we did it overnight because of our classes. Now for the fun part we rolled them into balls and baked them! After they were out of the over we sprinkled them with some powdered sugar and a few extra white chocolate chips and WA-LAH.  When we asked teachers and staff what they though they were all very impressed.

1)Teigland said "very soft and chewy!"
2)Schmity said "These are awesome"
3)Hanson said "Do you have anymore?!"

All and all I think our cookies were a big hit!  We will for sure make these again soon.

Recipe here

Monday, February 10, 2014

Pamesan encrusted chicken & Homemade mashed potatoes

  Near the end of last week we made some Parmesan Encrusted Chicken and homemade mashed potatoes. It has been our best yet! On day one we peeled,cut and mashed our potatoes. the next day we got to add the half and half, butter, salt, pepper, and chives. then finally warming the potato mixture back up.
      While that was all happening we also slathered out chicken in mayo and Parmesan, sprinkled in Italian bread crumbs and wal-ah!  put that in the oven for 20 minutes and we were done.  Now came the real test...taste testing
   1) Ambrosius and Freddie.(culinary teachers) "Chicken was very moist and juicy!"

   2)hanson(math teacher) " i loved how the mashed potatoes were so creamy"
   3)Teigland(other math teacher) "This is a great meal for anyone"
   4)Herman(English teacher) " Chicken was so good! the mashed potatoes were a little lumpy"
 We got mixed results about the mashed potatoes because some people got lumps and some people got lumps. Otherwise it was a big hit with the staff :)
Although we forgot to take pictures of our masterpieces here's something that it looked like.

Recipe for Parmesan chicken.                                

Monday, February 3, 2014

Southeren Style Deviled Eggs

For my first recipe we made southern style deviled eggs. We thought it would be a good starting recipe because its pretty simple. I took pictures along the way so you could see how we made these marvelous eggs. :)   When we were done we got some quotes from the staff in our high school. 

Mr.Engen said "Great Presentation"
Also Mrs.Cassano Exclaimed "You can make deviled eggs for me any time!" 

Here's how the magic happened-
First we took our hard boiled eggs and halved them, and took out the yolk.

We then mashed up the yolks and added the relish, mayonnaise, mustard and a dash salt and pepper.

Next step is to simply put the yolk mixture into the egg whites.

Before Garnish...

AFTER GARNISH! For the garnish we added paprika and sliced sweet pickles.We were unfortunately out of pimentos.

all and all we loved the deviled eggs and so did everyone who tried them :)